Work package 4 will be lead by 

 Organization Leader   Organization Leader


Dr. Mandrioli


Nelson square

Dr. Abrantes

The main objectives of WP4 are to assess:

  • the effects of PPPs’ mixtures on terrestrial (TE) and aquatic (AE) ecosystems, using a stepwise approach, from single single-species tests with non-target organisms to multi-species microcosm, allowing also to assess the potential for trophic transfer,
  • the effects of PPPs’ mixtures on animals (A) by exposing chickens directly (feed), or indirectly (inhalation, skin), to PPP residues and monitoring their health and gut microbiome composition,
  • the effects of PPPs’ mixtures in animal models of mood disorders; and the associated changes in microbiota, immune and endocrine readouts, metabolomics markers and gut physiology, and
  • the effects of PPPs’ mixtures on humans (H) using in vitro and in vivo experiments.