Events Calendar

International Advances in Pesticide Application
From Tuesday 25 January 2022 -  09:00am
To Thursday 27 January 2022 - 06:00pm
Hits : 1768

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Over the last three decades the Association Of Applied Biologists, Pesticide Application Group has provided a forum for researchers and practitioners from around the world to present and discuss progress with the development of pesticide application technology. During this time great advances have been made to improve the efficacy and safety of pesticides, resulting in lower doses of pesticides in the field, leading to lower residue levels in produce and the environment. Scientific and engineering advances can be exploited more readily with regular contact between the many research groups, and commercial organisations working with crop protection techniques.

Once again it is anticipated there will be a wide range of international papers presented at the 2022 conference emphasizing the excellent research being done across the diverse disciplines to improve application techniques and pesticide safety. All papers will be published in The Aspects of Applied Biology, which acts as a good reference source for up to date techniques for researchers around the globe.
The Aspects of Applied Biology series for these conferences are welcomed by the delegates and sell well for the Association. The most recent four volumes have been printed in colour and delegates felt it was well worth the extra cost for this.

More information can be foud here.


Location Munster (Germany)