We are pleased to announce the publication of a new paper in Environmental Research, entitled 'Pesticide residues in European sediments: A significant concern for aquatic systems?'. Stay posted for an upcoming summary factsheet! 

Copy of Copy of Indoor dust factsheet 1

Copy of Indoor dust factsheet


We are pleased to share a suite of success story factsheets, developed as part of the SPRINT project. The factsheets provide short overviews for a wide range of initiatives from across Europe, each of which have successfully transitioned away from a reliance on synthetic pesticides for producing food and/or beverages. The factsheets are available here: success story factsheets

brain paper SPRINT

SPRINT have just published a NEW summary factsheet! This resource provides an overview of the links between synthetic pesticide expsosure, gut microbiota, and brain function. This factsheet is based on a review paper written by Rie Matsuzaki and other SPRINT partners. Read the factsheet by clicking here, or check out the full peer-reviewed publication here

7th edition of the sprint newsletter

As we enter the final year of the SPRINT project, read about our latest findings, newly published work, and upcoming events in our 7th newsletter here. Make sure you don't miss out as new results emerge from the project, by subscribing to our newsletter on the homepage to recieve project news.


Pesticide reduction 3

SPRINT are taking part in an upcoming event on pesticide reduction in Europe, taking place online on Friday 28th June from 10:00-13:00 CEST. The symposium will highlight the role played by collaborative Green Deal projects in the effort to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides, and to showcase recent research and impact achieved across Europe. Here, we will bring together practitioners, researchers and policy-makers to find common ground and consider policy recommendations for the future of Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Europe.

Register by clicking here