SPRINT have just published a NEW summary factsheet! This resource provides an overview of the links between synthetic pesticide expsosure, gut microbiota, and brain function. This factsheet is based on a review paper written by Rie Matsuzaki and other SPRINT partners. Read the factsheet by clicking here, or check out the full peer-reviewed publication here.
SPRINT are taking part in an upcoming event on pesticide reduction in Europe, taking place online on Friday 28th June from 10:00-13:00 CEST. The symposium will highlight the role played by collaborative Green Deal projects in the effort to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides, and to showcase recent research and impact achieved across Europe. Here, we will bring together practitioners, researchers and policy-makers to find common ground and consider policy recommendations for the future of Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Europe.
Register by clicking here.
A new factsheet from SPRINT summarises the key findings from Peter Fantke and team's project report considering the life-cycle sustainability of pesticides, looking beyond the direct effects their active ingredients have when applied to fields. The impacts of resource extraction, manufacturing, application, and waste management of pesticides and their packaging were assessed, and the results compared against alternative approaches to plant protection.
SPRINT have just published a new summary factsheet, which provides a digestible overview of our recent paper: The Role of Public Consultations in Decision-making on Future Agricultural Pesticide use: Insights from the European Union’s Farm to Fork strategy consultation. Read the factsheet by clicking here, and the full peer-reviewed paper by clicking here.
Striking findings from Irene Navarro and her team on pesticide concentrations in indoor dust collected from rural households have been taken from the original paper and made into an accessible new summary factsheet.
Find out about other SPRINT publications here.