Upcoming Events
The SPRINT website has a banner of "Upcoming events" at the side of the website. Here events that are hosted by SPRINT or SPRINT related conferences/symposia/etc. are promoted! Do you see an event missing or want to promote an event that is related to the SPRINT topic? Don't hesitate to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Check out the coming events now!
Save the Date - 4th SPRINT meeting
In consultation with our partners in France, we will host the 2023 meeting in Bordeaux! For everyone involved in SPRINT as a consortium member: Save the date: 4-8 Sept. 2023!
Hearing of the Save Bees and Farmer European Citizens Initiative
On Tuesday 24 January, there was an Official Hearing of the Save Bees and Farmer European Citizens Initiative at the European Parliament. Our project leader Violette Geissen, was also present to speach during the hearing about the first SPRINT results. "Pesticide residues are omni-present in ecosystems and humans. Most of the residues are hazardous. What is the real risk of being exposed to mixtures of high numbers of pesticides? Who has the answer to this? Nobody."
The movie below will show an impression of the hearing. (Violette is seen from 3:20 onwards)
For the full press release please visit the website of PAN-Europe.
Happy new SPRINT year
We would like to wish you all a happy and healthy 2023!! This year SPRINT will focus on wrapping up all results from the field campaign in 2021 (WP2) and moving forward with lab experiments. Here the main concentrations and chemical solutions will be tested in different settings. For instance a rat model and different organoids (tiny, self-organized three-dimensional tissue cultures that are derived from stem cells). Next we would like to dive deeper in posibilities for sustrainable transition. In short, we will be busy again this year.
The year 2023 started very well, two SPRINT publications were accepted and published. We reached a nice milestone of 20 SPRINT papers already and hope many interesting papers resulting from the field campaign will follow. You can find all articles/papers under the tab resources - publications, or by clicking on the picture!